Project X Love Potion Disaster Save Files Plot This is a videogame based in the Sonic Universe, is the NSFW videogame of a related comic, a creature was created by accident in a lab and is filling everyone with lust, you have to dodge all enemies to help on finishing that problem. The main character is a Gynoid called Zeta R-02 (Or just Zeta), you can also play as Amy, Blaze, Cream, Rouge and Tails (From the Sonic Franchise), each of. Plot This is a videogame based in the Sonic Universe, is the NSFW videogame of a related comic, a creature was created by accident in a lab and is filling everyone with lust, you have to dodge all enemies to help on finishing that problem. Total redirects: 84007 Project X Discussion, News. Download Project X: Love Potion Disaster for Windows and MacOS X. Download Project x love potion disaster 55 save file full version: Downloads 74 / Average speed 3821 Kb/s: Download Project x love potion disaster 55 save file At.